UnLimit Yourself Flyer 2018_Final2.jpg
UnLimit Yourself Flyer 2018_Final2.jpg



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A love offering and personal gifts as a tax deductible donation will be accepted as a donation to the ministry to help, love, and serve.

Youth Service and Childcare Provided


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This ReTreat is for those seeking your purpose in life and are feeling stuck, stagnant, or just unsure of how to get there. You have a dream in your heart but can't see the vision clearly. You got the potential but lack the faith. You have been struggling to get there and want to give up. Don't Give Up, just Get Up, and "Make It Happen!"

Life of Purpose, L3C is an entity of People of Purpose that helps you Live your True Identity through a Life of Purpose! We welcome all to attend, spaces are limited to ensure each individual receive the hands on interaction and a personal experience to work as a team by developing a plan of action to Go, Get Your Blessings because it's Your Time!!! Sign up now, don't miss your season to "Make It Happen!" Live a Life of Purpose, UnLimit Yourself!!! Register now online at www.popcdc.com, Childcare Provided.